Abigail Lockhart-Calpito


Abigail is an undergraduate at Harvard College studying mechanical engineering. She is originally from San Antonio, Texas.

STEM Projects

Art Projects

Harvard Journey

High School Experience

Abigail’s Time at Harvard (so far) (THIS PAGE IS BEING UPDATED 2024)

Harvard Radcliffe Asian American Association

2022 board photo

The Harvard-Radcliffe Asian American Association (AAA), one of the largest student-run ethnic organizations at Harvard College, is dedicated to creating a diverse and nurturing community of Asian American undergraduates at Harvard University. AAA organizes a large variety of educational-political, cultural, outreach, and social events throughout the year.

Abigail has contributed to AAA and the Asian American community at Harvard since joining the executive board in 2021 as Co-Tech chair. As Co-Tech chair, Abigail helps maintain AAA’s website and connecting them with ScholarshipOwl for a sponsorship deal in the Spring of 2022.

She has been active on board through the 2021-2022 school year and will continue in the Fall of 2022.

Emerging Scholar’s Program

The Emerging Scholars Program is an academic enrichment program used to support students who are interested in pursuing a STEM career. As an emerging scholar, Abigail participates in a weekly math seminar that focuses on higher-level problem solving that applies mathematical concepts to their STEM field of interest. She collaborates with students to analyze problems, build viable mathematical models, and present their findings to their peers. More information about the program is available on the Emerging Scholars website.

emerging scholars outing

This image was taken at an Emerging Scholars outing.

Half Asian People’s Association

Half Asian People’s Association (HAPA) at Harvard is a cultural organization in which students of half asian ethnicities can come together to celebrate their shared mixed identities.


Abigail began her involvement with HAPA by becoming a freshman representative in the fall semester of 2019. She continued her involvement throughout the spring semester and fall semester of 2020 as an acting member of the HAPA board.

Harvard College Film Festival

The Harvard College Film Festival (HCCF) is one of the largest student-run film festivals devoted to undergraduate-produced films. The film festival has been hosted annually on Harvard’s campus for the past seven years. The film festival provides students across the globe with an opportunity to create and submit films to be screened, judged by a well-acclaimed panel, and awarded for creative excellence and powerful perspective. Abigail joined HCCF as a Freshman and worked on outreach to encourage film makers from across the country to submit to the festival. In the Spring of 2020, Abby joined the Executive Board to focus her efforts more intensely on the festival. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 festival was cancelled.

Harvard Kennedy School: Institute of Politics

hks logo

In her freshman year, Abigail worked as a Forum Usher for Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics. She enjoyed helping the HKS community through ushering the discussions, debates, and political forums hosted in the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum.