Abigail Lockhart-Calpito


Abigail is an undergraduate at Harvard College studying mechanical engineering. She is originally from San Antonio, Texas.

STEM Projects

Art Projects

Harvard Journey

High School Experience

Abigail’s Art Projects

WORK IN PROGRESS: La vie passe, 2023 Winter in Retrospect : Digital Art Series (2024)

This art series will aim to promote love, peace, and honor among my communities (works in below). I am looking for additional suggestions for great minds and contributors to humanitarian efforts to commemorate. Two figures I am currently working on are St. Maximilian Kolbe and Dr. Fe Del Mundo.

st.kolbe y dr.mundo ABIGAIL LOCKHARTCALPITO.png

Dr. Fe Del Mundo

Dr. Fe Del Mundo, a Filipina pediatrician who is known for her kindness and tremendous contributions to medical communities in Boston, MA at the Boston Children's Hospital, at Harvard Medical School, and in Quezon City at the Philippine Children's Medical Center- just to name a few. She is also the doctor that the Fe Del Mundo Medical Center is named after. I learned more of Fe Del Mundo this past semester under the teaching of Lady Aileen Orsal during her Intro to Filipino language class at Harvard University. Scholars at the Countway Library, associated with the Harvard Center for the History of Medicine, the Medical School, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, have written and explored her involvements at Harvard. Read more about her history at Harvard [here](https://lnkd.in/eCcq3KNR).

St. Maximilian Kolbe

St. Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish Catholic priest who was martyred during World War II. He was well known for his theological writings and letters in his youth. In his later years, St. Maximilian Kolbe was outspoken against the Nazi regime. Subsequently, his writings led him to being arrested and he was martyred at Auschwitz concentration camp, in Oświęcim, Poland when he took the place of a fellow prisoner who had a wife and child. He is honored at by catholics internationally for his significant literary contributions to the Church and his bravery at the end of his life. I learned of him during my education at a Catholic School I attended middle through high school under the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Atychiphobia [fear of failure] : Unity Project (2019)

Atychiphobia was Abigail’s senior thesis at SAY Sí centered around the toxic view of failure she witnessed being perpetuated within the educational system. The game was built in Unity, programmed in C#, and uses the XBox Kinect for player tracking and mapping.

Atychiphobia Artist Statement

Atychiphobia [fear of failure] is based on the struggles I have experienced with the educational system. The expectations enforced by myself, my loved ones, and my community manifested themselves in intense dread in the face of failure or academic tribulations. The experience guides the player through thoughts and surreal imagery that embody emotions that feel bigger than the player themselves. Atychiphobia simulates brought about by crushing academic pressure. I hope that the application of these elements and digital environment in this piece will provoke the player and give them an abstract, empathetic look into the mind of a student in today’s educational system. The fear of failure is something I see being perpetuated in today’s classrooms. I have grappled with the fear of failure throughout my academic career, not because of the subject matter of my learning but by the delivery and current structures of the educational system. The toxic mindsets are fed to the students of my generation. By learning how to work and adapt to the current collegiate institution, I have managed to find my own path to success. Not all students, however, can tame the fear of failure enough to be able to find a future for themselves in academia.

Hear Abigail speak about her thesis project and it’s inspirations in depth by viewing the HIVE Senior Interviews (2019) on Vimeo.

interview img

Love Lies Here : Video Game (2018)

Love Lies Here is a plot based adventure game programmed in Unity. Abigail participated on the development team as a project manager and contributed to the story and programming. The game won a Regional Gold Key and Silver Medal at the 2019 National Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.

Love Lies Here Thumbnail

The full videogame is available for purchase on SAY Sí’s itch.io.


Created in collaboration with Lee Ortiz, Sebastian Alvalos, Alyssa Li Herevia, and Ferris Carrillo for SAY Sí’s HIVE New Media 2018 Summer Game Jam.

Mother to Murderer (Mamá a la Asesina) : La Llorona Zine (2018)

mother to murderer presentation

Mother to Murderer is a poetry zine which explores the roots of La Llorona in a more literary depth. This self publication features a collection of original essays, poems, and cover.

Mother to Murderer Artist Statement

In many global cultures, weeping women serve as cautionary legends. Our local weeping legend, La Llorona, like the region of Texas itself, has witnessed the reign of many powers. Amongst the tides of cultural change that have spanned centuries, several homogenous tales have melded together to form the frightening woman we know today. My zine explores the elusive past of La Llorona, a woman who incites fear in the hearts of children, through poetry and a collection of short essays.
To capture the possible origins of La Llorona respectfully, I compiled from past projects and current examinations from articles and interviews with locals and historians. Thanks to the joint efforts of myself and my peers, I came to express these findings through a combination of original artistic and historical literature. I wanted Mother to Murderer to gently lead its reader through the various faces that past cultures, such as the Coahuiltecan, Aztecs, and Spanish settlers, have attributed to La Llorona, and how those interpretations reflect the value of women and mothers during those eras of society. Whether it be the reverence of dead mothers or the condemnation of jealousy, La Llorona manifests the societal pondering of the border between life and death or sin and virtue.

Native Origins of La Llorona : Lead Artist (2018)

Native Origins of La Llorona is an animatic, created with Adobe Premiere, which explores the local legend La Llorona and her origins. As lead artist of the project, Abigail guided her fellow SAY Sí artists in the research, writing, production, and installation of the animatic.

native origin screen cap

The project was stylistically inspired by the works of German artist Lotte Reiniger and American silhouettist Kara Walker. After conducting extensive research Abigail and her team found that the woman who haunts the nightmares of many San Antonio children had a plethora of potential origin stories.


Created in collaboration with Nat Lopez Romero, Ava Keel, and Sarah Rodriguez for SAY Sí’s 2018 Story Seldom Told: Omitted Histories Gallery Installation.

Goodnight Charlie : Radio Drama (2019)

Goodnight Charlie is a radio drama created in Adobe Audition in collaboration with SAY Sí artist, Ella Wilson, for SAY Sí’s 2018 September Showcase. The full podcase episode is available to stream on SAY Sí’s SoundCloud.

The story follows ex-government worker, Charlie, and his wife, Aspen, who are on the run from their previous lives and identities. After arriving at a desolate motel, Charlie is mysteriously confronted about his wife’s suspicious behaviors.

Disloyal Camazotz : Paper Craft (2017)

Inspired by the Mayan bat god, Camazotz, this independently crafted piece was a homage to both Mayan culture and those who fought during the Mexican Revolution. This piece’s 3D structure was digitally designed in SketchUp, a modeling program, and decorated using Adobe Illustrator CC, a professional level vector art program.

Camatotz img

The final product was sold and displayed at SAY Sí’s 2017 Muertitos Festival.

2D printed product