Abigail Lockhart-Calpito


Abigail is an undergraduate at Harvard College studying mechanical engineering. She is originally from San Antonio, Texas.

STEM Projects

Art Projects

Harvard Journey

High School Experience

Abigail’s Research and Robotic Projects

Soft Robotics Toolkit: Wearable Soft Robotics Gripper (2022-2023)

For Harvard’s Biodesign Lab, I worked on the Soft Robotics Toolkit (SRT) Wearable Soft Robotics Gripper. My focus was to create a SRT that could expose users to the field of soft robotics through the concept of learning through making/ learning by playing. In this work, I learned a lot about educational, medical, and child friendly design as well as soft robotic fabrication techniques.

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I presented my research at the Material Research Society’s Fall meeting in 2022 at their poster presentation session.


Tesla Experience: Process, Dimensional, and Manufacturing Engineering (Spring & Summer 2023)

Info to be added

Turf Wars Robot: GD&Tea (2022)

For Harvard’s Computer Aided Design course, Abigail worked with a team of three other engineering students to design and manufacture a robot that can traverse ramps and transport ball-shaped gems to the field goals. (Project finished, documentation to follow)



As a part of the Engineering Design course at MITES, Abigail joined a team with three other MITES students to design and manufacture a robot to compete in a robotics competition on a flat field. Through their relentless work on CHOPSTICKZ, named after the robot’s usage of two incisors, Abigail and her three teammates were awarded with the MITES Engineering Design Teamwork Award.

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Abigail gained machining and re-iterative design experience through her work on the CHOPSTICKZ team.

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SAWS Confluence Water Conference : School Analysis (2017)

Abigail was a student leader for her highschool’s San Antonio Water System (SAWS) Confluence Water Conference project. For the project, she led a team of fellow students in the collection and display of her school’s water usage data. During the 2017 conference, she aided in presentation of her team’s project.