Abigail Lockhart-Calpito


Abigail is an undergraduate at Harvard College studying mechanical engineering. She is originally from San Antonio, Texas.

STEM Projects

Art Projects

Harvard Journey

High School Experience

Abigail’s Present

Harvard University

harvard logo

Abigail is currently a sophomore at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. She is an aspiring engineer and an active artist. Abigail prides herself in her involvement in campus activities outside of the realm of academia. She has been involved in a variety of clubs and activities at Harvard, which you can read more about on this page.

Art Career

Abigail is a mixed media artist with heavy experience in virtual media and a background in traditional art. A detailed list of Abigail’s projects can be found on her projects page.

Tutoring Experience

Starting in middle school years, Abigail began tutoring her peers and younger students in many subjects ranging from math, French, and English. Now, Abigail has been tutoring students for over 6 years. She started working through GoPeer, an online tutoring resource that connects students with undergraduate tutors, in December of 2019. Since then, she has hosted over 100 tutoring sessions through the platform.

To see more of Abigail or to inquire about her tutoring services, explore the pages located along the sidebar.

Abigail’s Previous Accomplishments


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Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES) is a highly selective enrichment program for high school juniors interested in pursuing a career in STEM coordinated by MIT’s Office of Engineering Outreach Programs. For six weeks in the summer before their senior year, students complete rigorous courses similar to freshman year work at the MIT campus. Abigail completed MITES curriculum for Biology, Calculus 1, Physics 1, Humanities 3, and Engineering Design in the summer of 2018.

Abigail was awarded the Director’s Award at the conclusion of MITES. Her Engineering Design Team, CHOPSTICKZ, also received the Teamwork Award.

S.A.Y. Sí: H.I.V.E. New Media Studio

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San Antonio Youth Sí (SAY Sí) is an after-school art program where Abigail collaborated with fellow artists to complete individual or group projects on a full week basis. Abigail was a student in the HIVE New Media Studio. There, she had the opportunity to work with various interactive media such as creative coding, audio, animation, and game making. A detailed list of Abigail’s SAY Sí projects can be found here.

Apart from her work on art projects, Abigail distinguished herself as a leader in SAY Sí when she was elected as a HIVE Studio Liaison. She worked to facilitate in-studio meetings, plan for the annual Story Seldom Told gallery exhibition, and maintain communication between student artists and SAY Sí administration.

At the beginning of her senior year, Abigail was hired as a Student Mentor for SAY Sí’s Middle School program (WAM). As a mentor, Abigail aided her studio’s Teaching Artists in guiding the middle school artists in the creation and completion of their individual or group projects.

High School

Abigail attended a private school in San Antonio, Texas. She distinguished herself by becoming the President of her school’s Mu Alpha Theta chapter as well as the Co-Chair of their Global Justice Committee. To read more about Abigail’s highschool experience, view her highschool experience page.

She graduated second in her class in 2019.

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